

Computing the degree of a variety

Consider the projective variety in the 2-dimensional complex projective space $CP^2$.

\[V = \{ x^2 + y^2 - z^2 = 0 \}\]

The degree of $V$ is the number of intersection points of $V$ with a generic line. Let us see what it is. First we initialize the defining equation of $V$.

import DynamicPolynomials: @polyvar

@polyvar x y z
f = x^2 + y^2 - z^2

Let us sample the equation of a random line.

L = randn(1,3) * [x; y; z]

Now we compute the number of solutions to $[f=0, L=0]$.

using HomotopyContinuation
solve([f; L])

We find two distinct solutions and conclude that the degree of $V$ is 2.

Using different types of homotopies

The following example is from Section 7.3 of

[The numerical solution of systems of polynomials, Sommese, Wampler].

Consider a triangle with sides a,b,c and let θ be the angle opposite of c. The goal is to compute θ from a,b,c. We define sθ := sin θ and cθ := cos θ. The polynomial corresponding system is.

import DynamicPolynomials: @polyvar

a = 5
b = 4
c = 3

@polyvar sθ cθ
f = [cθ^2 + sθ^2 - 1, (a * cθ - b)^2 + (a * sθ)^2 - c^2]

To set up a totaldegree homotopy of type StraightLineHomotopy we have to write

using HomotopyContinuation
H, s = totaldegree(StraightLineHomotopy, f)

This sets up a homotopy H of the specified type using a random starting system that comes with a vector s of solutions. To solve for f = 0 we execute

solve(H, s)

If instead we wanted to use GeodesicOnTheSphere as homotopy type, we write

H, s = totaldegree(GeodesicOnTheSphere, f)
solve(H, s)

The angles are of course only the real solutions of f = 0. We get them by using

solution(ans, only_real=true)

Using different types of pathrackers

The following polynomial system is the example from Section 5.1 from

[Decoupled molecules with binding polynomials of bidegree (n,2), Ren, Martini, Torres]

It is called a binding polynomial.

using HomotopyContinuation
import DynamicPolynomials: @polyvar

@polyvar w[1:6]

f = [

Suppose we wanted to solve $f(w)=a$, where

a=[71, 73, 79, 101, 103, 107]

To get an initial solution we compute a random forward solution.

w_0 = randn(6)
a_0 = map(p -> p(w => w_0), f)

Now we set up the homotopy.

H = StraightLineHomotopy(f-a_0, f-a)

and compute a backward solution with starting value $w_0$ by

solve(H, w_0)

By default the solve function uses SphericalPredictorCorrector as the pathtracking routing. To use the AffinePredictorCorrector instead we must write

solve(H, w_0, AffinePredictorCorrector())

The system $f=0$ has 72 simple non-real roots. The command

    S = solve(f-a);
    solutions(S, singular = false)

however, only returns 62. The reason is that the remaining 10 solutions are ill-conditioned. We find all 72 solutions by

    S = solve(f-a, singular_tol=1e8);
    solutions(S, singular = false)

The default of singular_tol in JuliaHomotopyContinuation is $1e4$.

6-R Serial-Link Robots

The following example is from Section 9.4 of

[The numerical solution of systems of polynomials, Sommese, Wampler].

Consider a robot that consists of 7 links connected by 6 joints. The first link is fixed on the ground and the last link has a hand. The problem of determining the position of the hand when knowing the arrangement of the joints is called forward problem. The problem of determining any arrangement of joints that realized a fixed position of the hand is called backward problem. Let us denote by $z_1,...,z_6$ the unit vectors that point in the direction of the joint axes. They satisfy the following polynomial equations

\[z_i ⋅ z_i = 1\\ z_i ⋅ z_{i+1} = \cos α_i\\ a_1 * z_1 × z_2 + ... + a_5 * z_5 × z_6 + a_6 * z_2 + ... + a_9 * z_5 = p\]

for some $(α,a)$ and a known $p$ (see the aforementioned reference for a detailed explanation on how these numbers are to be interpreted).

In this notation the forward problem consists of computing $(α,a)$ given the $z_i$ and $p$. The backward problem consists of computing $z_i$ that realize some fixed $(α,a,z_1,z_6)$ (knowing $z_1,z_6$ means that the position where the robot is attached to the ground and the position where its hand should be are fixed).

We now compute first a forward solution $(α_0, a_0)$, and then use $(α_0, a_0)$ to compute a solution for the backward problem imposed by some random $(α, a)$.

using HomotopyContinuation
import DynamicPolynomials: @polyvar

@polyvar z2[1:3] z3[1:3] z4[1:3] z5[1:3]
z1 = [1, 0, 0]
z6 = [1, 0, 0]
p = [1, 1, 0]
z = [z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6]

f = [z[i] ⋅ z[i] for i=2:5]
g = [z[i] ⋅ z[i+1] for i=1:5]
h = hcat([[z[i] × z[i+1] for i=1:5]; [z[i] for i=2:5]]...)

α = randexp(5)
a = randexp(9)

Let us compute a random forward solution.

z_0=rand(3,4); # Compute a random assignment for the variable z
for i = 1:4
    z_0[:,i] = z_0[:,i]./ norm(z_0[:,i]) # normalize the columns of z_0 to norm 1

We want to compute the angles $\arccos g(z_0)$.

z_0 = vec(z_0) # vectorize z_0, because the evaluate function takes vectors as input

# compute the forward solution of α
α_0 = map(p -> acos(p([z2; z3; z4; z5] => z_0)), g)

# evaluate h at z_0
h_0 = map(p -> p([z2; z3; z4; z5] => z_0), h)
a_0 = h_0\p

Now we have forward solutions $α_0$ and $a_0$. From this we construct the following StraightLineHomotopy.

H = StraightLineHomotopy([f-1; g-cos.(α_0); h*a_0-p], [f-1; g-cos.(α); h*a-p])

To compute a backward solution with starting value $z_0$ we finally execute

solve(H, z_0)

To compute all the backward solutions we may perform a totaldegree homotopy. Although the Bezout number of the system is 1024 the generic number of solutions is 16. We find all 16 solutions by

H, s = totaldegree(StraightLineHomotopy, [f-1; g-cos.(α_0); h*a_0-p])
solutions(solve(H, s), singular=false)

On a MacBook Pro with 2,6 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16 GB RAM memory the above operation takes about 572 seconds. With parallel computing provided by the addprocs() command in Julia it takes about 93 seconds.