Numerical Irreducible Decomposition

Decomposing the solution set into irreducible components

Numerical Irreducible Decomposition

A numerical irreducible decomposition of a system of polynomial equations $F(x)$ is the decomposition of the zero set of $F$ into irreducible components.

Careful: The implementation is not yet final and should be considered experimental.

For example, the following code decomposes the zero set of a system that consists of a hypersurface of degree 2, two curves of degree 4 and eight points.

using HomotopyContinuation
@var x, y, z
p = (x * y - x^2) + 1 - z
q = x^4 + x^2 - y - 1
F = [p * q * (x - 3) * (x - 5);
     p * q * (y - 3) * (y - 5);
     p * (z - 3) * (z - 5)]

N = numerical_irreducible_decomposition(F)

The output is as follows.

Numerical irreducible decomposition with 11 components
• 1 component(s) of dimension 2.
• 2 component(s) of dimension 1.
• 8 component(s) of dimension 0.

 degree table of components:
│ dimension │  degrees of components   │
│     2     │            2             │
│     1     │          (4, 4)          │
│     0     │ (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) │

Notice that in dimension 0 the 8 points are summarized as one component (a single point is always an irreducible component).

One can also use


This will compute exact same thing as numerical_irreducible_decomposition(F).

See also the documentation.


The algorithm consists of 2 steps. The first step is u-regeneration by Duff, Leykin and Rodriguez. The output of the regeneration algorithm is a vector of witness sets, one for each dimension. The witness set $W_i$ in dimension $i$ gives $\{F=0\} \cap L_i$ where $L_i$ is a random linear space of codimension $i$; i.e., $W_i$ represents the union of irreducible components in dimension $i$.

R = regeneration(F)
3-element Vector{WitnessSet}:
 Witness set for dimension 2 of degree 2
 Witness set for dimension 1 of degree 8
 Witness set for dimension 0 of degree 8

The second step decomposes the output of regeneration into irreducible components using monodromy.


The output of decompose(R) is then the same as the output of nid(F).