Explore the full functionality of HomotopyContinuation.jl
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Problem formulation
Learn how to formulate your problem
How to solve a system of polynomial equations
For this guide, we're going to walk through an illustrative example
An introduction to the numerical solution of polynomial systems
The basics of the theory and techniques behind HomotopyContinuation.jl
Choosing a start system
What start system should I choose?
Feature guides
Systems with parameters
How to track parametrized systems of equations
How to solve polynomial system by using the monodromy method.
Numerical Irreducible Decomposition
Computing positive dimensional solution sets.
Polyhedral homotopy
A start system from polyhedral geometry
Using HomotopyContinuation.jl from Macaulay2
How do I solve my ideal from Macaulay2 with HomotopyContinuation.jl?
Solving many systems in a loop
What to do, if you have to solve system in a loop
Overdetermined systems
How to solve systems with more equations than variables.
Composite systems
How to construct and solve composite systems
Data analysis of solutions
Analysing arrays of vectors
Implement a custom homotopy
How to set up customized homotopies
Solutions in a product of projective spaces
Solving systems over a product of projective spaces
Total Degree Homotopy
The total degree start system