Storing solutions and parameters
— Functionwrite_solutions(filename, solutions)
Stores the as a plain text file onto disk. The storage format is as follows. The first line indicates the number of solutions stored followed by a blank line. Then the solutions are stored where each solution is separated by a blank line. Note that the solutions are always considered as complex numbers. See read_solutions
for reading the solution file back.
Note that this is the same file format as used in Bertini.
julia> write_solutions("solutions.txt", [[1, 1], [-1, 2]])
shell> cat solutions.txt
1 0
1 0
-1 0
2 0
julia> read_solutions("solutions.txt")
2-element Array{Array{Complex{Int64},1},1}:
[1 + 0im, 1 + 0im]
[-1 + 0im, 2 + 0im]
— Functionread_solutions(filename)
Read the solutions stored with write_solutions
julia> write_solutions("solutions.txt", [[1, 1], [-1, 2]])
julia> read_solutions("solutions.txt")
2-element Array{Array{Complex{Int64},1},1}:
[1 + 0im, 1 + 0im]
[-1 + 0im, 2 + 0im]
— Functionwrite_parameters(filename, parameters)
Stores the parameters as a plain text file onto disk. The storage format is as follows. The first line indicates the number of parameter values stored followed by a blank line. Then the parameter values are stored.
See read_parameters
Note that this is the same file format as used in Bertini.
julia> write_parameters("parameters.txt", [2.0, -3.2 + 2im])
shell> cat parameters.txt
2.0 0.0
-3.2 2.0
julia> read_parameters("parameters.txt")
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
2.0 + 0.0im
-3.2 + 2.0im
— Functionread_parameters(filename)
Read the parameters stored with write_parameters
julia> write_parameters("parameters.txt", [2.0, -3.2 + 2im])
julia> read_parameters("parameters.txt")
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
2.0 + 0.0im
-3.2 + 2.0im
Newton's method
— Functionnewton(
p = nothing,
norm::AbstractNorm = InfNorm(),
cache::NewtonCache = NewtonCache(F);
An implemenetation of a local Newton's method with various options to specify convergence criteria. Returns a NewtonResult
. The computations are always performed in complex arithmetic with double precision, i.e., using Complex{Float64}
. The optional cache
argument pre-allocates the necessary memory. This is useful if the method is called repeatedly.
atol::Float64 = 1e-8
: The method is declared converged ifnorm(xᵢ₊₁ - xᵢ) < atol
.rtol::Float64 = atol
: The method is declared converged ifnorm(xᵢ₊₁ - xᵢ) < max(atol, rtol * norm(x₀))
.max_iters::Int = 20
: The maximal number of iterations.extended_precision::Bool = false
: An optional use of extended precision for the evaluation ofF(x)
. This can increase the achievable accuracy.contraction_factor::Float64 = 1.0
: The Newton updates have to satisfy $|xᵢ₊₁ - xᵢ| < a^{2^{i-1}}|x₁ - x₀|$ for $i ≥ 1$ where $a$ iscontraction_factor
.min_contraction_iters::Int = typemax(Int)
: The minimal number of iterations thecontraction_factor
has to be satisfied. If aftermin_contraction_iters
many iterations the contraction factor is not satisfied the step is accepted anyway.max_abs_norm_first_update::Float64 = Inf
: The initial guessx₀
is rejected ifnorm(x₁ - x₀) > max_abs_norm_first_update
max_rel_norm_first_update::Float64 = max_abs_norm_first_update
: The initial guessx₀
is rejected ifnorm(x₁ - x₀) > max_rel_norm_first_update * norm(x₀)
— TypeNewtonResult
Result returned by newton
: Can be:success
: The last value obtained.accuracy::Float64
: Estimate of the absolute distance ofx
to a true zero.iters::Int
Number of iterations performed.contraction_ratio::Float64
: The value|xᵢ - xᵢ₋₁| / |xᵢ₋₁ - xᵢ₋₂|
— Methodis_success(R::NewtonResult)
Returns true
if the newton
was successfull.
— TypeNewtonCache(F::AbstractSystem; optimize_data_structure = true)
Pre-allocates the necessary memory for newton
— TypeAbstractNorm
An AbstractNorm
represents any norm of a vector space. All norms are callable. norm(x)
computes the norm of x
and norm(x,y)
computes the distance norm(x - y).
— TypeInfNorm <: AbstractNorm
The infinity or maximum norm.
— TypeEuclideanNorm <: AbstractNorm
The Euclidean resp. 2-norm.
— TypeWeightedNorm(d::AbstractVector, norm::AbstractNorm; options...)
WeightedNorm(norm::AbstractNorm, n::Integer; options...)
WeightedNorm(norm::AbstractNorm, x::AbstractVector; options...)
A WeightedNorm
represents a weighted variant of norm norm
of a n
-dimensional vector space.A norm
is weighted by introducing a vector of additional weights
dsuch that the new norm is
is the diagonal matrix with diagonal
. The WeightedNorm
is desigened to change the weights dynamically by using init!(::WeightedNorm, x)
and update!(::WeightedNorm, x)
. The weights are there constructed such that $||D⁻¹x|| ≈ 1.0$. The weights can be accessed and changed by indexing.
scale_min = sqrt(eps())
: The minimal size ofdᵢ
time the (weighted) norm ofx
.scale_abs_min = min(scale_min^2, 200 * sqrt(eps()))
: The absolute minimal size ofdᵢ
.scale_max = 1.0 / eps() / sqrt(2)
: The absolute maximal size ofdᵢ
— Methoddistance(u, v, norm::AbstractNorm)
Compute the distance ||u-v|| with respect to the given norm norm
— Methodnorm(u, norm::AbstractNorm)
Compute the norm ||u|| with respect to the given norm norm
— Methodinit!(w::WeightedNorm, x::AbstractVector)
Setup the weighted norm w
for x
— Methodupdate!(w::WeightedNorm, x)
Update the weighted norm w
for x
, this will interpolate between the previous weights and the norm of x
Unique points, group actions and multiplicities
— TypeUniquePoints{T, Id, M}
A data structure for assessing quickly whether a point is close to an indexed point as determined by the given distances function M
. The distance function has to be a metric. The indexed points are only stored by their identifiers Id
. triangle_inequality
should be set to true
, if the metric satisfies the triangle inequality. Otherwise, it should be set to false
UniquePoints(v::AbstractVector{T}, id::Id;
metric = EuclideanNorm(),
triangle_inequality = true,
group_actions = nothing)
Initialize the data structure. This does not initialize the data structure with the point.
x = randn(ComplexF64, 4)
permutation(x) = ([x[2]; x[1]; x[3]; x[4]],)
group_actions = GroupActions(permutation)
X = group_actions(x)
# without group actions
unique_points = UniquePoints(x, 1)
HC.add!.(unique_points, X, 1:length(X), 1e-5)
length(unique_points) # 2
unique_points = UniquePoints(x, 1, group_actions = group_actions)
HC.add!.(unique_points, X, 1:length(X), 1e-5)
length(unique_points) # 1
— Methodsearch_in_radius(unique_points, v, tol)
Search whether unique_points
contains a point p
with distances at most tol
from v
. Returns nothing
if no point exists, otherwise the identifier of p
is returned.
— Methodadd!(unique_points, v, id; atol = 1e-14, rtol = sqrt(eps()))
add!(unique_points, v, id, atol)
Search whether unique_points
contains a point p
with distances at most max(atol, norm(v)rtol)
from v
. If this is the case the identifier of p
and false
is returned. Otherwise (id, true)
is returned.
— Functionmultiplicities(vectors; metric = EuclideanNorm(), atol = 1e-14, rtol = 1e-8, kwargs...)
Returns a Vector{Vector{Int}}
. Each vector w
in 'v' contains all indices i
such that w[i]
and w[j]
have distance
at most max(atol, rtol * metric(0,w[i]))
. The remaining kwargs
are things that can be passed to UniquePoints
julia> multiplicities([[1,0.5], [1,0.5], [1,1]])
This is the same as
multiplicities([[1,0.5], [1,0.5], [1,1]]; distance=(x,y) -> LinearAlgebra.norm(x-y))
Here is an example for using group actions.
julia> X = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2,1,3,4], [1,2,4,3], [2,1,4,3]]
julia> permutation(x) = [x[2], x[1], x[3], x[4]]
julia> m = multiplicities(X, group_action = permutation)
[[1,2], [3,4]]
— Functionunique_points(vectors; metric = EuclideanNorm(), atol = 1e-14, rtol = 1e-8, kwargs...)
Returns all elements in vector
for which two elements have distance
at most max(atol, rtol * metric(0,w[i]))
. Note that the output can depend on the order of elements in vectors. The remaining kwargs
are things that can be passed to UniquePoints
— Functionpath_info(tracker::Tracker, x₀, t₁ = 1.0, t₀ = 0.0; debug::Bool = false, kwargs...)
Track a path using the given tracker
and start value x₀
. This returns a struct containing detailed information about the tracked path.